sustainability and the environment
When we source our ingredients and packaging we endeavour to do as much as we can to help reduce harm to the environment. Our veg, meat and fish produce are sourced in the UK to ensure freshnesss, quality and sustainability.
Good quality, fresh fish is the most important ingredient in any sushi, ours is delivered daily in refrigerated vans, no time is lost in ensuring the fish is prepared and served directly to you. Our supplier describe themselves as
"passionate about fish. local service and sustainability", we couldn't agree with them more. If you want to know what M&J Seafood, winners of the 'sustainable future award' of 2009, do to promote sustainability take a look at their site:
Porterfords Butchers has been operating in the heart of The City for twenty six years, local customers can testify to the quality of their products via their outlet on Watling Street (within walking distance of our
Watling Street branch). Their meat is English, Grade A and delivered daily. The chicken farms used by Porterfords produce their own GM free feed.
Our supplier Easipac, winners of the Green Guardian Award for Green Business of the Year 2006, do all they can, in an industry renowned for creating waste, to supply products that are biodegradable and that don't rot long term in land fill.
Greener Oil
Greener Oil supplies us with fresh cooking oil in re-usable containers, after the oil has been used for cooking we filter it and return it, it is then recycled and turned in to biodiesel, using biodiesel reduces the emission of many harmful gases, including CO2.