frequently asked questions

what is a donburi

frequently abbreviated as "don", is a japanese "rice bowl dish" consisting of fish, meat, vegetables or other ingredients served over rice or noodles.

what is a bento box

a traditional bento consists of rice, fish or meat, and one or more pickled or cooked vegetables as a side dish. at the japanese canteen our bentos contain either fish, meat or a vegetable curry served with sesame beanshoots and salad together with a side dish of miso soup.

what is katsu

katsu at the japanese canteen is either pork or chicken breast dipped in a mixture of flour, beaten egg and panko (japanese breadcrumbs) before being deep fried. the dish is served with tonkatsu sauce, a type of thick japanese worcestershire sauce, or with a mild japanese curry.

what is teriyaki

Our teriyaki is a home made sweet soy sauce




how long does sushi stay fresh

please eat on the day of purchase, our sushi is freshly made daily and should be eaten as soon as possible for maximum enjoyment. if taken home and refrigerated it should be consumed within 12hrs of purchase.

can I order by phone or email

at present there are no plans to provide this service.

can we book

reservations can be made for 8 people or more sunday to thursday only for bethnal green, these can only be accepted via email:. reservations are for two hours. tables will be held for 20 minutes after the expected time of arrival. food will be served as it's ready and there will be a 12.5% service charge added to the bill. We do not take bookings in any other stores. for large parties we cannot take individual payments or issue individual receipts.


Please let us know in store if you have any food allergies. We will be pleased to help and advise you with our menu allergy sheet, please ask a member of staff. We use and prepare peanuts, nuts, celery, milk/dairy, lupin, mustard, gluten/cereals, crustacean, molluscs, eggs, fish, sesame seeds, soya, sulphur dioxide in our kitchens. We can not guarantee a trace free environment from any of the above. We can not take responsibility for your food choices if you have allergies to any of the above. We can not change dishes during busy periods

the japanese canteen logo
head office
30 - 33 Minories London EC3N 1DD